
Men’s Support for Unplanned Pregnancy in Palm Bay, FL

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Understanding the Role

Discovering that your partner is pregnant unexpectedly can be as overwhelming for men as it is for women. At Essential Pregnancy Center in Palm Bay, FL, we recognize the importance of supporting men during this critical time. Men also experience a range of emotions and have unique concerns when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. We are committed to providing men with the resources, information, and support they need to navigate this challenging time.

Support and Guidance

As a man, you might be unsure about what to say, how to react, or even how to support your partner. You may also be struggling with feelings of fear, guilt, or confusion. Our compassionate staff is here to listen to your concerns and provide you with accurate information about all the pregnancy options, including parenting, adoption, and abortion facts. We encourage open dialogue, provide answers to your questions, and help you feel more prepared for the conversations and decisions ahead.

Post-Abortion Support for Men

It's crucial to remember that men can also experience emotional aftermath following an abortion. Feelings of regret, sadness, or guilt are not uncommon. Essential Pregnancy Center offers post-abortion healing classes that include men's experiences, providing a supportive space for expressing feelings and fostering healing.

We respect patient privacy and comply with applicable privacy laws.

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, faith-based, non-profit organization committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.